Privacy Policy

This site really needs a privacy policy, so I am going to take the opportunity to learn about the workings of privacy policies. As a privacy advocate, one of the things I support is policies written in readable English, rather than "Lawyer-Speak", so mine will follow that rule. One thing I know for sure: My policy will not be officially verified by anyone - the price is too high. I will tell you a few things though:

You should assume that this site is gathering the following information about your computer: IP address, domain, operating system, language setting, browser information, time zone, referer information and page view information. What do I do with this information? Not much really, it is mostly for my own curiosity. I use the IP address and domain information to determine whether a visitor is a residential or professional browser. I put my URL on my résumé and my eMail signature, and I'm curious to see if any of the companies I apply to actually take a look at my site. The rest of the information comes as part of the package. I occasionally look at the operating system and browser information to gauge the relative popularity of the various pieces of software. Should you think that I am kidding about those capabilities, here is your IP address: But please trust me when I say that I do not do much with the information. I truly am a privacy advocate, and that is why I am being forthcoming about my information gathering.