Why is Everything Grey?

You might be wondering why I have chosen gray as the background for all of my pages. Having grown up digital, it has become necessary for me to wear glasses when reading. As I grew older (older being defined as age 22), I began to suffer a greater annoyance from the "halo effect". The halo effect occurs with some monitors when they display a large area of white, such as found on most Web pages or documents. In the halo effect, a monitor displays the color white too bright and powerful, and anything white appears glowing and radiant, to the point where it can be difficult to read text. Newer monitors have greatly reduced the halo effect, but white is still not the best background color for reading text. Lowering the color temperature on monitors also reduces the halo effect, but not every monitor supports useful color temperature adjustments (although my Sony Trinitron 19" flat CRT has infinite support for color temperature adjustment). It is for these reasons that I have chosen a gray background for my pages. I am experimenting with reading text on various colors, and have found that black and gray work nicely. I'm still experimenting though, so if anyone has any suggestions for background colors, let me know.